Wednesday 17 September 2014

Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria
Allergic reaction hives that appear due to an allergic reaction to a particular food, insect sting or bite or medication can be alleviated with simple over the counter allergy medication such as an antihistamine. Hives are often patchy in the beginning; however the patches may well run together till the hives cover a lot of the body. If you experience hives during pregnancy and have symptoms that cause discomfort, you can take an antihistamine without worrying about your unborn child suffering negative side effects. You can tell that you have hives if you press the center of a raised bump and it turns white. There are many different types of hives and they can be triggered by a number of factors. Drugs that can cause urticarial hives include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen, high blood pressure drugs (ACE inhibitors), and painkillers like codeine. These bumps are due to 'leaky' blood vessels in which plasma is released due to the release of histamine from cells around the blood vessels. Antihistamines may treat chronic urticaria. This can be combined with other medications. When a patient experiences hives during pregnancy, in most cases the pregnancy itself is the cause of the hives. If this is the case, the hives will likely go away on their own within a couple of days. Although the cause of hives during pregnancy is currently unknown, many speculate that they may be due to increased stress on the body or the rapid changing of hormones. If you are allergic towards certain foods, medications, food additives or preservatives, insect stings or sunlight exposure, you are prone to experience hives. Sometimes, the cause is difficult to pin down. Direct physical contact to the skin triggers physical urticarial hives. Some of the triggers are sun exposure, pressure, heat, cold, exercise, vibration, and sweating. Hives normally itch due to the release of histamine from the skin's mast cells. It can also sting or burn. You can also whip up a couple of home treatments for urticaria, and try a couple until you find one that works. If you have any symptoms such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, if your symptoms get worse you should seek medical advice. The allergic reaction itself can be a result of a response to foods such as nuts, shellfish, pet dander and dairy products. Allergic reaction hives that appear due to an allergic reaction to a particular food, insect sting or bite or medication can be alleviated with simple over the counter allergy medication such as an antihistamine. The only way to treat you hives is to learn what is causing your condition. Cortisone medication or injections such as epinephrine (adrenaline) may be given for those who have severe urticarial hive outbreak. Medication for hives that are causing the patient pain may also include ibuprofen. Hives are usually red, but they are sometimes skin-colored swellings, and hives have clearly defined edges. Either oral or topical medication can help reduce the effects of hives, and may provide relief until the hives go away on their own.

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